Our school motto is “Discover potential, enjoy success, prepare for life”. We aim to provide a wide-ranging education based on one concept – meeting the academic, social and emotional needs of our pupils. Through this they can start to flourish, build resilience and character through experiencing success and then be ready on leaving us to progress to adult life at college and later employment and finally as future parents.
We have a Lower School that caters for pupils from Year 3 to 7. From Year 8, students move to Upper School on the Main School site and this includes separate Key Stage 3 and 4 areas and a separate wing for our Nurture groups.
The curriculum is delivered through everything the school does.
Academically the school uses three pathways to meet the needs of pupils, and pupils move between these streams where best suited to meet their needs at any given time:
Pupils in the Nurture pathway are often those with the most significant needs, particularly learning needs. Started in Lower School, the Nurture approach was developed by Katherine McKenna with Dr Tina Rae of the Nurture School Network. The curriculum includes more SEAL activities and the team works closely with the interventions teams. Recently a higher functioning Nurture group has been created to meet the needs our more able pupils with significant needs or anxieties. Nurture runs from Lower school all the way through to the end of Upper school.
Standard Pathway:
This is the core offer in which the school follows most aspects of the National Curriculum. The intervention team will support pupils and help to improve core skills and plug gaps in knowledge caused by pupils having missed substantial amounts of school before admission. Subjects covered include the core subjects as well as Art, Careers, PSHE, Catering etc.
Vocational Plus:
This is a NASS award winning outreach programme which is highly individualised for pupils with the highest levels of mental health needs or want to follow a vocational pathway. It includes intensive tuition, work experience college placements. Staff work intensively with families, providing high levels of emotional and practical support. Pupils staying Post 16 also access this team as their aim is to help with independence – for example providing driving lessons or support in stabilising college placements in Year 12.
The qualification structure allows pupils to build confidence and enjoy success, recognising that many pupils have missed a large amount of school and may have a negative self-image of themselves as learners. Pupils have a clear, stepped progression starting with Entry Levels, then Functional Skills and finally GCSEs. This works at their pace however generally Entry Level English and maths are completed in Year 8 and 9, Functional Skills L1 in Year 9 and 10 and GCSEs in KS4. BTECs and L1 and L2 vocational qualifications are completed in KS4. Other qualifications such as Unit Award sand Open Awards are also achieved. This builds confidence, allows them to change their self perception and gives them the chance to celebrate success.
The wide vocational offer also gives pupils the opportunity to improve their numeracy and literacy skills through other means and develop their alternative skills base. This involves Open Awards, BTEC and NCFE E3/L1/L2 courses in a wide range of disciplines including Construction, Small Animal Care Fisheries Management and Hair and Beauty. This also helps them prepare for life as they get the chance to sample future employment options and also achieve qualifications ahead of their peers, meaning that when they get to college they are the “more knowledgeable other” making it more likely that they will succeed.
The social and emotional needs of the pupils are met by the range of outdoor learning opportunities which include Duke of Edinburgh, PGL, fishing, canoeing, bike skills and climbing. These are accredited but also push pupils from their comfort zone, helping them develop teamworking skills, confidence and achieve in a way they would not normally in school. Social skills are also enhanced by charity fundraising for local and national causes as well as the pupils attending meetings as part of the school council, and their annual reviews. The emotional needs of the pupils are also supported by the therapeutic interventions which are delivered either in groups or by individual sessions. These are further supported through behaviour mentor work and the restorative practice programme, part of which asks pupils to consider the impact of their behaviour on others and alternative courses of action. The PHSE and careers programme also helps to give them the knowledge to succeed and prepare for life.
Pastoral Support
To help our pupils learn and thrive there is a dedicated behaviour mentor team. The team is always available for those who may need some time out or a place to reflect.
The Behaviour Mentors’ primary focus is to support and influence the ‘learning climate’ of the school day. They are front line interventionalists working with pupils experiencing problems. They pass information to their professional colleagues to ensure that communication channels are maintained across the disciplines. They have the responsibility for monitoring all and the recording of incidents throughout the educational day. They are fully trained in trauma informed approaches such as PACE.
Trends in incidents are produced by the pastoral team for progress meetings so that patterns of behaviour are identified and intervention or support strategies are put into the place.
Lower School Curriculum
Lower School – Nurture Stream and Key Stage 1 & 2
Our Nurture pupils develop essential speaking and listening skills in a variety of situations. Through the introduction of letters and sounds they begin to establish the building blocks for reading, which is reinforced through one-to-one reading sessions, along with some reading and spelling ICT programmes.
We believe in our young people developing skills in Mathematics through active learning. This includes counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns, making connections, recognising relationships and working with numbers, shapes and measures.
Young people develop the skills that help them make sense of the world by following our very own Nurture Curriculum that was written within the school with the help of Dr Tina Rae. This curriculum is heavily based around the five principles of SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning).
The Nurture curriculum is delivered in our Nurture bases, offering a curriculum delivered via nurturing principles and the development of a social and emotional skills programme. The pupils participate in weekly cooking lessons and Forest School. Forest School provides a free and stimulating learning experience. It allows all children to test themselves and involves stimulating hands on experiences to build self- esteem, confidence and pride. The use of the outdoor setting, and the natural resources supports them to develop new skills and learn the art of reflection. Forest School is delivered to all pupils at Lower School.
We believe that the Nurture programme develops skills in such a way that it is more likely to ensure academic success.
Standard Stream (Key Stages 1 and 2)
This curriculum will be offered to pupils joining the school between Years 3 – 7 and will enable re-engagement through a thematic approach. Within these years students study a common curriculum comprising of timetabled lessons in Art, Carp Academy, Catering, Computing, Literacy, Music, Numeracy, PE, SEAL, Science, French and Topic (containing History, Geography and RE) and Forest School.
The Standard Stream Curriculum is introduced and developed on a thematic, topic based curriculum and incorporates all core subjects and follows the KS1 (where applicable) and KS2 National Curriculum objectives to ensure all areas are covered. Alongside this thematic approach, discrete intervention to support learning in numeracy and literacy will focus on pupils being able to catch up and fill in gaps in their learning. All core and foundation subjects are based on the National Curriculum, which are created and planned around the term’s topic. The plans are differentiated within each class so that every student’s needs are catered for. These are being created so that plans will be available on a three-year cycle to ensure that no student repeats any area of the curriculum.
Upper School Curriculum
Upper School – Key Stage 3 & 4
At the end of Year 7, pupils move into one of our Year 8/9 classes based on their cognitive and emotional development. The move from Year 7 to Year 8/9 is done over the final summer half term in a gradual manner to ensure a smooth, stress-free transition. The Year 8/9 pupils are then encouraged to develop and consolidate their key skills in core subjects and are also offered opportunities to extend their knowledge in other areas of the curriculum.
Students in Year 8/9 study a common curriculum and this is underpinned by our therapeutic approach. Timetables are individually tailored to groups and classroom based learning is supported by hands on vocational learning. All students access English, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Catering, ICT, PSHEE & Careers, and Humanities. These subjects are enriched through Outdoor Education and Bushcraft. Utilising this approach ensures the continued social and emotional development of all pupils which we view as equally important to academic achievement.
In order to support our young people and ensure they achieve success, we enter them into accredited courses from Year 9. Pupils begin their Entry Level and Functional Skills Awards in English, Maths and Science, allowing the optimum time to achieve these qualifications, which reduces anxiety and provides an environment in which pupils can flourish.
As pupils approach the end of Key Stage 3 they select their options for Year 10 and create their own personalised learning curriculum. These are tailored to their interests and career ambitions. Courses tend to last one year and are reviewed at the end of the academic year to provide optimum opportunity to gain further accreditation.
Social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) aspects of learning and social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) are incorporated into planning across the curriculum as well as issues being addressed directly in the PSHE programme. The Grange actively promotes British Values and takes all opportunities to actively promote democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
Personalised Learning Curriculum (Key Stage 4)
In Years 10 and 11, students study a core curriculum of Careers, English, Maths, PSHEE and Science which is supported by their optional subjects.
As part of our commitment to preparing pupils for life beyond The Grange all of our young people experience at least one day per week at an alternative provision. Here, they can study vocational Level 1 and 2 awards in subjects such as Construction, Mechanics, Small Animal Care and Hospitality amongst a variety of others. We view this as a vital experience as it provides pupils the opportunity to engage with different staff, make new friends and integrate in a new setting where independence is promoted.
The personalised timetables are designed to meet the desired requests of the pupil, statutory requirements of each pupil’s EHCP and views taken from significant stakeholders in young people. The aim of this phase is to personalise the curriculum to meet individual personal needs and engage our learners.
Available Qualifications
- Art and Design – NCFE Level 1 and 2, GCSE
- Careers – Entry Level 3 and ASDAN Units
- Carp Academy – Coaching Award, Open Awards Level 1 in Fisheries Management
- Catering – NCFE Level 1 and 2
- Child Care – NCFE Level 1
- Construction – NCFE Level 1 and 2
- Creative Craft – VCert
- Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze Award
- Employability Skills – Entry Level
- English – GCSE, Functional Skills, Entry Level
- Hair and Beauty – NCFE Level 1
- Horse Riding – Entry Level, Unit Awards
- Hospitality – NCFE Level 1 and 2, BTEC Level 2
- ICT – NCFE Level 1 & 2 Interactive Media, Level 1 & 2 Open Award, Functional Skills
- Learning to Learn – NCFE Level 1
- Maths – GCSE, Functional Skills, Entry level
- Mechanics – NCFE Level 1 and 2
- Outdoor Education – Bikeability, First Aid Qualification, Cycle Maintenance, NiCASA Climbing qualifications, BBA Boxing Awards
- P.E. – GCSE Short Course
- Science – BTEC Level 1 and 2
- Small Animal Care – NCFE Level 1 and 2
- Wider Key Skills
Vocational and Careers Guidance
The Grange Therapeutic School endeavours to provide all pupils with a range of opportunities to participate in a vocational environment. A clear vocational philosophy exists at Key Stage 4 as careers guidance is encouraged as part of a whole school approach in education, care and therapy.
To provide our pupils with the best possible opportunities, we provide careers as a discrete subject earning accreditation through Entry Level. We are currently developing our careers curriculum to include further ASDAN Units. Our focus in Key Stage 4 is to prioritise the importance of college and work experience. Through a variety of successful links with alternative provisions and businesses, we can provide bespoke learning packages unique to an individual pupil’s needs. Where possible, we aim to promote independence through opportunities to learn how to travel and limited supervision at work experience.
To support our alternative pathways, we organise and transport pupils to college open days and interviews. Further advice is also offered via Connexions and Independent Careers Advisors. Through these agencies, all pupils will experience a mock interview and will receive feedback which is used to create a pupil action plan. Pupils will gain consistent advice from all staff who liaise with parents to aid transition and support pupil development.
It is the aim of the school that all pupils should leave the school with a suitable placement. The aim is for all Year 11 pupils to actively apply for college placements, training schemes or jobs whilst in their final year.
Destinations and Achievements
Pupils who have left are now accessing educational programmes, qualifications and apprenticeships at the following colleges and FE establishments:
- Brooksby College
- Easton College
- Nuneaton College
- Leicester College
- Trans4m
- Stamford College
- T.E.C.K
- Farnborough College
- Halesworth College – Level 2 Construction
- South Leicestershire and North Warwickshire College – Level 2 Sport and Coaching
- Paulet College L3 Engineering
- Loughborough College Level 2 Public Services
- Melton Brooksby College Level 1 Construction
- Maplewell Hall
- British Racing School (Newmarket) – Apprenticeship with Mick Appleby’s Racing Yard
Academic Results in 2019
The school offers opportunities for our pupils to achieve qualifications across a wide range of academic and vocational subjects.
Our 2019 leavers achieved the following qualifications:
- 100% of pupils achieved a GCSE in Maths (12 out of 12 pupils)
- 91% of pupils achieved a GCSE in English (10 out of 11 pupils)
- 55% of pupils achieved a BTEC in Science (6 out of 11 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for GCSE PE passed (2 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for Art GCSE passed with a Grade 5 (1 Pupil)
- 100% of pupils entered for Open Awards in Home Cooking passed (4 pupils)
Academic Results in 2020
Our 2020 leavers achieved the following qualifications:
- 100% of pupils achieved a GCSE in Maths (8 pupils)
- 100% of pupils achieved a GCSE in English (9 pupils, 1 pupil in Year 10 achieved a Grade 4)
- 1 pupil passed his Functional skills level 1 in English
- 100% of pupils achieved a BTEC in Science (7 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for GCSE PE passed (3 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for IT Media Entry Level passed (2 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for Business Studies passed (2 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for Asdan Food passed (5 pupils)
Academic Results in 2021
Our 2021 leavers achieved the following qualifications:
- 100% of pupils entered for GCSE Maths passed (6 pupils, 1 pupils achieved Grade 6)
- 100% of pupils entered for GCSE English passed (6 pupils)
- 100% of pupils entered for GCSE Art passed with a Grade 7 (1 pupil)
- 100% of pupils entered for GCSE PE passed (2 pupils)
Academic Results in 2022/2023
Qualification | Pupils Entered | E1 | E2 | E3 | L1 | L2 | |
iGCSE English Language | 9 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Unclassified – 3 pupils | |
Grade 1 – 1 pupil | |||||||
Grade 2 – 2 pupils | |||||||
Grade 3 – 2 pupils | |||||||
Grade 8 – 1 pupil | |||||||
GCSE English Literature | 1 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Grade 8 – 1 pupil | |
GCSE Maths (Foundation) | 9 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | No result – 2 pupils | |
Grade 1 – 6 pupils | |||||||
Grade 3 – 1 pupil | |||||||
GCSE Maths (Higher) | 2 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Unclassified – 1 pupil | |
Grade 5 – 1 pupil | |||||||
GCSE Physical Education | 4 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Grade 2 – 1 pupil | |
Grade 3 – 2 pupils | |||||||
Grade 4 – 1 pupil | |||||||
GCSE Art | 2 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Grade 5 – 1 pupil | |
Grade 9 – 1 pupil | |||||||
GCSE History | 1 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Grade 7 – 1 pupil | |
Functional Skills English | 12 | 3 pupils | 1 pupil | 4 pupils | 4 pupils | n/a | |
Functional Skills Maths | 16 | n/a | 2 pupils | 7 pupils | 4 pupils | 3 pupils | |
Animal Care | 4 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 4 pupils | n/a | |
Science | 5 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 5 pupils | n/a | |
Learning & Employment | 1 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1 pupil | |
Employability & Professional Development | 8 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 8 pupils | n/a | |
Foodwise Shortcourse | 10 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 3 credits – 4 pupils | |
4 credits – 6 pupils | |||||||
Trinity College | 2 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 2 pupils | n/a |
The school offers its pupils an excellent range of opportunities outside of the classroom. The well developed and resourced Outdoor Education programme is positively received by the pupils and gives them an opportunity to have a go at an exciting range of activities including:
- Forest Schools
- Climbing (indoors and outdoors)
- Horse Riding
- Mountain Biking
- Canoeing
- Fishing
- Orienteering
- Hill walking
- Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze and Silver award
All pupils have the opportunity to go on one of our annual residential trips and expeditions that reach far and wide. These visits enable the staff and children to develop the close relationships that form the key component of our successful work and mutual respect.
Listen to Katherine McKenna, Assistant Headteacher, talk about the curriculum and how it is tailored to each student.