The school is registered to accept a total number of 85 pupils catering for young people throughout their whole school career.
There are usually no more than six pupils to a class except, for example, for PE lessons where a whole year group may be taught together.
Our day pupils come from the surrounding Local Authorities and pupils willingly travel to and from Leicester City, Leicestershire, Rutland, Derby, Peterborough and Northamptonshire.
A place will only be offered where there is a space within the appropriate year group and where the pupil meets the criteria set out below.
Admission Criteria
- Pupils will be aged between 8 and 18 years
- All pupils will have a statement of special educational needs or EHCP
- The statement will specify that the pupil exhibits social, emotional and mental health difficulties or high functioning autism
- Pupils will normally have been assessed as being within the low average to above average ability range
- Pupils may have learning difficulties and/or low attainment that are associated with their emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Pupils may have specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
- Pupils may be admitted on the basis of their need for therapeutic input.
Admissions Process
Usually pupils are referred to The Grange Therapeutic School by their Local Authority. We will read the statement/EHCP and accompanying referral papers and make a decision whether we are able to meet young person’s needs. We will invite the parents/carers to come in to meet with either the Headteacher, Deputy Head or Head of Lower School on their own for an informal chat and to have a look around the school.
It is important the pupil is not present on this first visit so that parents/carers are able to talk freely to the staff at school and both parties are able to ascertain whether the school would be appropriate for the young person. When both parties are certain that the placement would be successful we will then invite the pupil in to visit the school. To reduce anxiety for the young person every effort is made to make the visit as informal as possible.
Once the young person has visited and feels positive about the school we would contact the Local Authority to offer a placement (day or residential). It is usually a two to three week process to prepare for a new pupil to start at school as we are very careful to prepare a smooth transition and ensure a positive re-engagement with education. The Local Authority will arrange the transport to bring the pupil to and from school.
Admissions Enquiry
If you’d like to make a referral or you simply want to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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